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Same Ol' Twitter

Elon Musk SAYS he bought Twitter to preserve "free speech". After releasing "The Twitter Files" he exposed the deep, corrupt levels of favoritism that plagued the site. Now, with his first major test (The Eliza Bleu Scandal), it looks like, "The More Things Change. . ."

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The Myth of "Superhero Fatigue"

The Superhero genre is fine, and people will enjoy it. . .as long as it's good!

My "Black Perspective". . .On White People

We've been told, over & over again, that white people are the enemy. . .that they're the greatest threat. Who's our source on this? The very government that we're SUPPOSED to distrust.

My "Black Perspective". . .On Hollywood

This is just one segment (of 3) where I address certain claims that I don't like my race. . .that I'm a self hating black man. So I start with my issues with the use of black people in modern Hollywood.

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