Prostitution is "the world's old profession" but, still seen as taboo in most of the nation (especially here in Texas). Should it be dealt with so harshly though?
We've been told, over & over again, that white people are the enemy. . .that they're the greatest threat. Who's our source on this? The very government that we're SUPPOSED to distrust.
This is just one segment (of 3) where I address certain claims that I don't like my race. . .that I'm a self hating black man. So I start with my issues with the use of black people in modern Hollywood.
Using the "logic" (and going by the quotes) of these ASS CLOWNS, a VIDEO GAME is a LITERAL THREAT to the transgender community. Buying the game, based on the world created by a woman they don't agree with, is KILLING the transgender community. WHO THE FUCK ARE THESE PEOPLE?!
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